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    How to use Membership Alert

    Picture of Bart Kowalczyk
    Bart Kowalczyk 31, August 2020

    Networking 24/7 between members

    Membership Alert was introduced in 2015. This is a dedicated tool for PBLINK members and partners to improve communication and create more business ventures. Alerts allow our members to network with one another 24/7. Alert works as an email gateway, helping to distribute your enquiry to other members after admin approval.


    How Polish Membership Alert works?

    1. Members send email with enquiry to dedicated email address.
    2. The message will be approved by admin within 24h and will be distributed to the PBLINK membership database.
    3. Other members can reply directly to help you with your enquiry.

    Membership Alert Rules

    1. Email Alerts must be submitted in English.

    2. Remember to include a short subject, e.g. Office space required, Printer needed.

    3. Members can use Alerts to send out their own supplier requests, referrals and recommendations, provided they start with “I need..”, “I want…” or “Does anyone know…?”.

    Please note that only approved email addresses can use this tool. Each member can submit up to 3 email addresses in order to have access to alerts.

    Example of enquiry submitted by one member:


    Dear members,

    I am looking for competitive business car leasing in the UK. I have received offer from few dealers with 175% value of the car. I am looking for more competitive options. Any help?


    Pro Tip!

    • Use Alerts to get honest feedback about your new product or project