This Guide is primarily for 1st time visitors to Polish Business Online Events organised via Zoom.
We have developed our series of online networking events as a safe, inclusive and effective way for members and guests to continue to network and do business during these times of coronavirus.
We have published this guide as we want to maintain certain standards within our community.
We run our online events using Zoom Software. Please download and install the free software in advance of your first online event. You can refer to the Zoom Support Page if you have any technical problems.
Polish Business Link Online Networking: Meeting vs Webinar
We use the Zoom Meeting functionality of Zoom to host our Online Business Networking London Events. You will be able to see other participants and talk to each other in breakout rooms. You will be muted on entry but once we open the breakout room you can unmute yourself and talk/introduce yourself to others.
We also use Zoom Webinar for our bigger events. In this option, you won’t see or hear the other participants except the host and panellists but you can interact with others using the chat and Q&A boxes.
Please change your Zoom name to your correct name (example: John Smith instead of John’s iPhone). Due to security reasons, if we cannot recognise your name on the list, you may not be allowed to join the pre-networking session and the event.

What is Pre-Networking Session?
Members of PBLINK will get access to the pre-networking session before the event starts. In order to have access to pre-networking sessions, you need to have your first and last name displayed so admin can identify you. At that session, we will update our network about the event and allow everyone to introduce themselves. We will also ask you to put M (Member) letter next to your surname. This will help us to mix our members with guests in the breakout session.
Polish Online Business Networking events rules
- Members and Guests are expected to attend booked events and to email us at least 24 hours in advance if they are not able to attend. Regular ‘no shows’ may be refused booking for future online events.
- Make sure that you have good light in the room and our preferred option is for you to use headphones
- If possible, minimise background noise
- Use Zoom chat wisely – don’t spam others. Try to engage in conversation by asking the question: how can I help you and what contacts can I bring to your business?
- When asked in breakout rooms, pitch your business by providing relevant information about your business to the group: what type of business are you looking for and what value your network can bring to others. Be prepared. You have only 1 minute.