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    Search Tool for Verifying Companies in the UK & Ireland | PBLINK

    Picture of PBLINK Editor
    PBLINK Editor 21, August 2024

    Given how easy it is to establish a company today, having verified, trustworthy information about the businesses you’re engaging with cannot be overstated. Whether it’s a client, a contractor, or a potential lead, ensuring the legitimacy of the business you’re dealing with should be your first step.


    PBLINK Search BFI


    With PBLINK Company Search, this process has never been easier.

    Our powerful tool provides access to vital information on over 5 million businesses in the UK and Ireland, all presented in a clear, easy-to-read format—and it’s free!


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    But what exactly is Company Search, and how does it work?

    Company Search in a nutshell

    Company Search offers unlimited, instant company and lead searches, enabling you to learn the key details about any business you’re looking into. Our service uses exclusively reliable sources, such as Companies House, the British executive agency that maintains the register of companies. This ensures that the data you access is always accurate and reliable. With information on 5M+ businesses across the UK and Ireland, you'll always have the insights you need on any company you're interested in.

    Key features of Company Search

    A tool like Company Search is only useful if it delivers information instantly and easily—and that’s exactly what our service does. Simply type in the name of the business and click ‘Search’. If you don’t remember the full name of the business, the tool will suggest potential matches as you type, allowing you to choose the correct company from a dropdown list.


    Once you’ve selected the company you’re interested in, the tool displays a comprehensive company profile with all the relevant information, including:

    • Company data: company type, status, incorporation date, last accounts filed, and business nature using the SIC code.
    • Registered address: the current address of the business.
    • Key people: directors, shareholders, their addresses, and dates of birth.
    • Filing history: dates and documents submitted to HMRC and Companies House.

    Essentially, you’ll be able to learn everything there is to learn about a given company before you make a decision to do business with them. The entire process is quick, easy—and free. All you need to do is provide your email address and you’re good to go!


    Check how it works? 




    Why should you use Company Search?

    You might be wondering why it’s so essential to always verify company information.

    The answer is simple: it’s a crucial step in ensuring the legitimacy of a business, be it a potential client, contractor, or partner.


    For instance, if you’re an exporter, it’s a good practice to verify the client before shipping your product. Similarly, Company Search allows you to check the financial health and registration details of a client, before you commit to performing a service for them.


    But that’s not all. Company Search is also invaluable for generating leads and discovering new business opportunities, even before a company becomes a client or negotiations begin.

    When you check the data of a company via the tool, one of the key pieces of information you’ll see is the names of its directors. This means you can treat Company Search as a prospecting tool, enabling you to ensure you engage with the right people either through social media or email outreach. By connecting directly with decision-makers, you can significantly enhance your outreach efforts, making it easier to turn prospects into clients.

    research search

    Don’t leave the safety of your business to chance

    Protecting your business is paramount. Making sure the companies you are dealing with in the UK and Ireland are legitimate is a crucial part of this protection. You can’t do that without access to reliable, up-to-date data obtained via verified sources. Give Company Search a try today and make sure your clients, contractors, and leads are legitimate. Start your first search now.

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