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    Topic: Event Coverage

    Another Polish Business Mixer in Edinburgh
    By PBLINK Editor on 7 April, 2014

    The overarching theme connecting all the PBlink/BPCC seminar mixers organised for Polish entrepreneurs in the UK is business growth. Previous events...

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    Christmas networking in Glasgow
    By Bart Kowalczyk on 13 December, 2013

    For the fourth time this year PBlink and BPCC has organised a business meeting for Polish entrepreneurs active in the UK. Networking was the theme of...

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    Another successful Polish Business Event in Leeds
    By Michael Dembinski on 25 November, 2013

    The latest PBlink and BPCC event for Polish entrepreneurs in the UK was held in Leeds Town Hall on 20 November, bringing together nearly 50 people...

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    Polish Business Mixer in London
    By Michael Dembinski on 30 September, 2013

    The latest in a series of networking seminars aimed at Polish entrepreneurs took place in London on 25 September, on the premises of money-transfer...

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    Polish entrepreneurs together in Scotland
    By Bart Kowalczyk on 3 July, 2013

    Last BPCC & PBLINK event attracted nearly 80 Polish entrepreneurs. The seminar took place in Edinburgh on 20 March 2013. This event focused on...

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    BPCC for Polish entrepreneurs in Scotland
    By Michael Dembinski on 3 July, 2013

    Polish entrepreneurs who have set up businesses in Scotland are likely to give their new host country an economic boost – and the BPCC will help them...

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