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    Picture of Renata Kaminska

    Renata Kaminska

    Technology enthusiast, expert in international marketing & founder of full service marketing agency Kamreno with over 12 years experience of working with household brands such as IBM, Discovery Channel, TLC, KPMG, Pirelli, Kaspersky, Nokia & Space Research Centre. She was also involved in Eurosport rebranding. She aims to help managers, their teams and companies achieve their business goals. Colleagues and business partners appreciate her creativity, unconventional approach and crisis management skills. Her friends call her a "volcano of energy with a big heart". In addition to her professional work, Renata runs workshops for children in schools under the patronage of Westminster Children's University and writes books for them. She loves travel and being active.
    Pay-As-You-Go Marketing: A Flexible & Efficient Solution for Small Businesses
    By Renata Kaminska on 13 June, 2024

    In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, small businesses and startups often face the same hurdles when it comes to marketing. Budget constraints,...

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    UX and UI, what are they and why should you care?
    By Renata Kaminska on 20 March, 2023

    In marketing circles, we often talk about the importance of good UX and UI for a business. Poor UX and UI can lose you business and damage your...

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    What is scent marketing all about ?
    By Renata Kaminska on 5 June, 2022

    Most of us are bored with watching advertisements and listening to the messages they contain.

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