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    Bright Grahame Murray

    Formed in London in 1934, Bright Grahame Murray is a partner led firm of Chartered Accountants with a reputation for excellence.
    New year, new government
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 18 January, 2020

    How will the new government affect your financial planning? December’s general election delivered a Conservative government with the sort of majority...

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    Don’t get caught short – the cost of paying tax in arrears
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 19 December, 2019

    Nearly 700,000 individuals and firms have entered into tax payment plans after getting into arrears on their tax payments. Research from UHY Hacker...

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    What price tax reliefs?
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 16 December, 2019

    When you look at your annual tax statement, have you ever wondered about the overall cost of the tax reliefs you enjoy? HMRC has published its latest...

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    Are you missing out on R&D credits?
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 13 December, 2019

    A significant rise in the number of research and development (R&D) tax credit claims among SME firms highlights how useful the credits can be for...

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    Probate fee increases abandoned
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 12 December, 2019

    The planned reform of probate fees in England and Wales has been scrapped. A year ago the government tabled proposals to increase the level of...

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    Getting it right on VAT first time
    By Bright Grahame Murray on 5 December, 2019

    VAT is regularly in the news, whether it’s planning for Brexit or postponing the reverse charge for construction services just weeks before its start...

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