All Face2Face Events are subject to cancellation at short notice. We will inform you about this via email used at the registration.
If you cancel a paid Face2Face event we offer a full refund of the ticket if you give us a min of 5 working days notice.
We will make sure that hand sanitisers will be available for you at the event venue.
Before you arrive you must read and agree to the terms of the venue used for PBLINK event.
Do not take business cards with you. Instead, we will exchange connections via Linkedin using the Find Nearby feature.
If the event is held in a public space like a cafe or restaurant you do not need to wear a face-covering. However, this will depend on the host policy. You will be informed about any restrictions in the email 24h before the event.
All Face2Face events are limited to maintain social distancing rules. At the event please observe this to keep everyone safe.
Due to social distancing restrictions, all Face2Face event tickets are strictly limited. A number of available tickets will be announced onevent announcement page.
Booking is required for all Face2Face events. Non-booked delegates won’t be able to attend the event
If you book for a Face2Face event and fail to attend we reserve the right to charge a fee of £50 + VAT. This applies to non-members. You must notify us at least 2 working days before the event so we can offer your space to someone else
You attend PBLINK Face2Face events at your own risk. PBLINK cannot take responsibility for your being affected by Covid-19.
If you feel that you have Covid 19symptoms, such as a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, please followNHS adviceand then let us know immediately. Do not come to the event. We will be happy to cancel and refund event fees.