The freshest news about business in the UK - Polish Business Link

New PBLink image, new possibilities

Written by Bart Kowalczyk | 08/07/16 14:01

The PBLink business platform has been bringing Polish entrepreneurs together for the last three years. These years have been very successful, not only for our team but also for all of our members. Now the time has come for a change of the image and functionality of the portal itself.

The increasing popularity of our business community has led us to implement changes to our portal, thanks to which the platform has become even more functional and user friendly. We will be able to provide members with new tools for advertising and give them greater opportunity to exchange their experiences.

User friendly website

The new image of PBLink portal features refreshed logo. By changing it we would like to communicate that we are open to innovative projects and partnership appropriate to the times. The portal has gained a new, clearer format with a bespoke design taking into consideration the business character of the project. The current layout allows for a greater display of the valuable content that will certainly be appreciated by the entrepreneurs interested in the British market. The website has been also optimised for mobile devices, which means it will be available no matter where you are.

More functions

In addition to the functions already verified and highly rated by our members, we have added another function which will certainly be useful should any entrepreneurship enquiries arise. Membership Alert is an option that allows the exchange of questions and answers regarding any issues encountered amongst members of the platform. Sharing experiences between partners will save time for everyone.

More efficient self-promotion

Whilst designing the new portal we have decided to improve opportunities for business promotion. We have added several useful functions, which will enable the entrepreneurs to present their business projects to other members. The full range of new options includes the possibility to publish sponsored advertisements and to organise events. New options are dedicated to people who are seeking to gain new clients and partners.

More useful knowledge

Bearing in mind that the development is strongly connected with broadening knowledge, we have expanded the Download section, where the valuable material related with entrepreneurship will be published. You will be able to find the templates of contracts, documents, invoices, e-books as well as materials from the business events. All the materials in this section will be available for free to all members of PBLink platform.

We hope that using the new portal will bring you even more benefits and will contribute to further successes in your business.